use IO::File;
use File::Temp qw/ tempfile /;
use Sys::Hostname;
+use POSIX qw/ ceil /;
my @mcaps;
my $magic = new File::MMagic;
$is_channel = (lc($is_channel) eq "-channel" ? 1 : 0);
$sign = (lc($sign) eq "-sign" ? 1 : 0);
+ if ($is_channel) {
+ $dest = $server->channel_find($target);
+ } else {
+ $dest = $server->query_find($target);
+ }
# 21:27 <@pekka> c0ffee: the core routines will crop the message if it
# doesn't fit.. I would use a bit shorter than the MAX_LEN
# 21:28 <@pekka> c0ffee: -1024 bytes is sufficient
# 21:28 <@pekka> c0ffee: should be sufficient in all possible cases
if ((stat($tempfile))[7] < 0xfbff) {
+ $format = ($sign ? "mime_data_send_signed" : "mime_data_send");
+ if ($dest->{type}) {
+ $dest->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, $format, $type);
+ } else {
+ Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, $format, $type);
+ }
unlink $tempfile;
Irssi::signal_emit("mime-send", $server, \$is_channel,
$target, escape($entity->stringify), \$sign);
} else {
+ $format = ($sign ? "mime_data_multi_signed" : "mime_data_multi");
+ $chunks = ceil((stat $tempfile)[7] / 0xfb00);
+ if ($dest->{type}) {
+ $dest->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, $format, $type, $chunks);
+ } else {
+ Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, $format, $type, $chunks);
+ }
open TFILE, $tempfile;
$id = sprintf "id-%06d-%08d\@%s", int(rand(65535)), time(), hostname();;
$chunks = 0;
'mime_data_received', '{nick $0} sent "{hilight $1}" data message',
'mime_data_received_signed', '{nick $0} sent "{hilight $1}" data message (signature {flag_signed})',
'mime_data_received_unknown', '{nick $0} sent "{hilight $1}" data message (signature {flag_unknown})',
- 'mime_data_received_failed', '{nick $0} sent "{hilight $1}" data message (signature {flag_failed})']);
+ 'mime_data_received_failed', '{nick $0} sent "{hilight $1}" data message (signature {flag_failed})',
+ 'mime_data_send', 'sending "{hilight $0}" data message',
+ 'mime_data_send_signed', 'sending "{hilight $0}" data message (signature {flag_signed})',
+ 'mime_data_multi', 'sending "{hilight $0}" data message ($1 chunks)',
+ 'mime_data_multi_signed', 'sending "{hilight $0}" data message ($1 chunks, signaute {flag_signed})']);