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-<h1>About the White Paper</h1>
+Chat protocols are very popular on the Internet. They have actually
+been very popular since the very first chat protocols appeared on the net.
+The Internet Relay Chat (IRC) was one of the first chat protocols, and quickly
+gained the status of being the most popular chat on the net. Today, IRC
+has several competitors from various other so called Instant Messaging (IM)
+protocols, such as ICQ. However, all of these different chat protocols
+have something in common; they are all insecure.
+The security is important feature in applications and protocols in
+contemporary network environment. The older chat protocols, however have
+failed to deal with the growing security requirements on the Internet.
+It is not anymore enough to just provide services, like for example
+chat services. Now, they need to be secure services.
+The Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) protocol is a new generation
+chat protocol which provides full featured conferencing services, just
+like any other contemporary chat protocol provides. In addition, it
+provides security by encrypting and authenticating the messages in
+the network. The security has been the primary goal of the SILC protocol
+and the protocol has been designed from the day one security in mind.
+All packets and messages travelling in the SILC Network are always
+encrypted and authenticated. The network topology is also different
+from for example IRC network. The SILC network topology attempts to be
+more powerful and scalable than the IRC network. The basic purpose
+of the SILC protocol is to provide secure conferencing services.
+The SILC Protocol have been developed as Open Source project. The
+protocol specifications are freely available and they have been submitted to
+the IETF. The very first implementations of the protocol are also already
+<h1>About This White Paper</h1>
The purpose of this white paper is to give short but deep enough introduction
to the SILC Protocol. The document describes the purpose of the protocol
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
<h1>SILC Protocol</h1>
+A client is a piece of software connecting to SILC server. The software
+is usually run by the end user, a real person that is. The purpose of the
+clients is to provide the end user an interface to the SILC services.
+They are used to actually engage the conversations on the SILC Network,
+and they can be used to execute various SILC commands.
+The clients are distinquished from other clients by unique Client ID.
+There cannot be multiple same Client IDs in the SILC Network at the same time.
+The end user, however does not use Client IDs. The end users usually selects
+a perferred nickname they want to use, and identifies themself with that
+nickname to other users on the network. The nicknames are not unique in
+the SILC Network. There can be multiple same nicknames at the same time
+on the network. The maximum length for the nickname is 128 characters.
+Most of the other chat protocols have unique nicknames. This is where SILC
+differs from most of the other chat protocols. The purpose of this
+feature is to make IRC style nickname wars obsolete, as no one owns their
+nickname; there can always be somene else with the same nickname.
+When client connects to the server the SILC Key Exchange (SKE) protocol and
+SILC Connection Authentication protocol are executed. The result of the
+SKE protocol is the session key that the client and server use to secure
+their communication. All commands, for example, that the client sends
+to the server are secured with the session key. The session key expires
+periodically and the rekey process can be executed with or without the
+Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS). The connection authentication protocol is
+used to authenticate the client to the server. The server may allow the
+client to connect without authentication, or it may require a passphrase or
+public key encryption based authentication.
+Servers forms the basis for the SILC Network, by providing a point to which
+clients may connect. There are two kinds of servers in SILC; normal servers
+and router servers. The next section describes the function of router
+Normal servers connect to router server. Normal servers cannot directly
+connect to other normal servers. Messages that are destined outside the
+local server are always sent to the router for further routing.
+The clients usually connect to the normal server, however, clients may
+connect to router servers as well. The SILC Network diagram above
+illustrates how normal servers connects to the router server.
+The servers are distinquished by other servers in the network by unique
+Server ID. There cannot be multiple same Server IDs in the SILC Network
+at the same time. The servers keep track of local information. It knows
+all locally connected clients and it knows all channels that its clients
+have joined. However, it does not know any global information. It
+usually does not keep track of global clients, however, it may cache
+that information if it was queried. The reason for this is that the
+server does not need to keep global information up to date and thus
+makes the server faster. They can always query the information from
+the router.
+When server connects to its router the SILC Key Exchange (SKE) protocol
+and the SILC Connection Authentication protocol are executed, just like
+when client connects to server. The SKE results in to the session key
+that is used to secure the communication between the server and the
+router. The connection authentication protocol is used to authenticate
+the server to the router. The authentication is always based in either
+passphrase or public key encryption.
+The router servers are servers that actually handles the message routing
+in the network. They are, however also normal servers and they do accept
+client connections. Each of the router in the network is called a cell.
+The cell can have only one active router and it may have several servers
+and several clients. The cell, however may have backup routers that can
+take over the tasks of the primary router if it becomes unreachable.
+The switch to the backup router should be transparent and only local
+connections to the primary router are lost. Other connections in the
+cell are intact, and clients and servers merely experience some lag in
+the network connection during the switch to the backup router.
+The normal server knows only local information. Router server on the
+other hand knows local information and global information. It considers
+the cell as local and outside cells as global. It knows all the clients
+connected to the network, all created channels, and all routers and servers
+in the network. The server may query the global information if it is needed.
+For example, when client sends WHOIS command, the server may query the
+information from the router. If the router does not know all the details
+that the WHOIS command requires it can query the information from a router
+or a server which knows all the details. It may then cache that information.
+The primary purpose of the router server is to route the messages to
+local servers and local clients, and messages that are destined to outside
+the cell are routed to the primary route or some other secondary
+route if it is a faster route. The routers in the network forms a ring.
+Each router has a primary route to other router in the network. Finally
+the ring is closed by the last router using the first router in the
+network as its primary route.
<img src="silc_routers.JPG" alt="SILC Routers" align="center" border"0">
+The diagram above illustrates how the routers forms a ring in the network.
+A router may have several secondary routes which it may use when it
+routes the packets.
+When routers connect to its primary router the SKE and the SILC Connection
+Authentication protocols are executed just like when normal server connects
+to its router. The session key is used to secure the communication between
+the routers. All the secondary routes also have their own session keys.
+<h1>Further Information</h1>
+More detailed information about the SILC Protocol is available in the
+SILC Protocol specification documents. There exists currently four
+Internet Drafts that defines the protocol in great detail. The Internet
+Drafts are available from the following sources but also from the
+<a href="http://www.ietf.org">IETF website</a>.
+- <a href="http://silcnet.org/docs/draft-riikonen-silc-spec-03.txt">
+Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC), Protocol Specification</a>
+- <a href="http://silcnet.org/docs/draft-riikonen-silc-pp-03.txt">
+SILC Packet Protocol</a>
+- <a href="http://silcnet.org/docs/draft-riikonen-silc-ke-auth-03.txt">
+SILC Key Exchange and Authentication Protocols</a>
+- <a href="http://silcnet.org/docs/draft-riikonen-silc-commands-01.txt">
+SILC Commands</a>
<a name="terms"></a>
<h1>Terms and Abbreviations</h1>