TODO for SILC Server 1.0
- o Backup router testing
- - Switching tests
- - (1) primary goes down (works)
- - (2) server(s) looses primary, but backup doesn't
- - Works, if the primary sends SERVER_SIGNOFF to backup for the
- the signoffed servers it will disconnect them. The servers
- will reconnect to primary, no desync. If primary sends ping
- back (before SERVER_SIGNOFF) the backup returns failure to
- server. Server resends START_USE, and same repeats. Either
- the SERVER_SIGNOFF is received or the server disconnects from
- backup, and reconnects to primary.
- - (3) server looses primary, but backup doesn't, but ping timeouts
- (no crash in primary)
- - Works, the backup will be primary, server will notice it and
- network works. When the backup gets connection back to primary,
- primary will reject resuming. Backup switches back to backup
- router. Server timeouts, disconnects and reconnects to primary
- to avoid desync.
- - (4) backup looses primary, but server(s) doesn't
- - Works, the backup is in desync. When backup connects back to
- primary it attempts to execute the resuming. The primary will
- reject this. The backup accepts it and resumes as backup
- router, no desync. Servers get the backup resuming protocol
- but it will timeout, and no other action is taken. No desync in
- servers.
- - (5) server looses primary, backup crashes
- - Works, the server will attempt to reconnect to the primary
- and backup. Server will be cut from rest of the network.
- - (6) server looses primary, backup doesn't, rejects server's use,
- then backup looses primary
- - Same as (2), (3), if primary crashed, normal resuming occurs.
- - Resuming tests
- - (1) normal resuming (works)
- - (2) backup crashes during resuming
- - Works, no desync in router or server. Server reconnects to
- the router to avoid desync in server.
- - (3) primary crashes during resuming
- - Works, no desync in backup or server. Backup handles crash
- during first contact, during resuming and immediately after.
- Server handle crash during first contact, after contact and
- immediately after. In case of error server fallbacks to the
- backup router. If backup rejects fallback, server disconnects
- and reconnects to both backup and primary.
- - (4) a server crashes during resuming (multiple servers present)
- - Works, no desync in backup or servers. The backup restarts the
- protocol after timeout. After that the protocol executes
- quickly since all other servers are already connected to the
- primary. While waiting restart servers fallback to the
- backup.
- - (5) server can connect to primary but cannot communicate
- - Works, no desync in server. The server notices that the
- protocol did not succeed, and verifies from backup whether it
- can be used still. If backup refuses the server reconnects
- to the primary router.
- - (6) backup can connect to primary but cannot communicate
- - Same as (9).
- - (7) primary won't communicate with server
- - Same as (5).
- - (8) primary won't communicate with backup
- - Same as (6), (9).
- - (9) backup cannot communicate with server
- - Works, no desync in backup or servers. The backup restarts the
- protocol after timeout. This happens as long as the protocol
- is executed successfully. Primary can communicate through the
- backup during this. Servers fallback to backup after timeout
- occurs and waits for new resuming. If the server never answers
- anything to backup (but is up) then resuming lasts for ever,
- until the server is either removed from network or starts
- communicating. However, this does not cause network desync.
- - (10) server cannot communicate with backup
- - Same as (5), (9).
- - Notifys (works)
- UMODE_CHANGE, INVITE, BAN (rest of the notifys does not apply, no
- testing required)
- - Communication (works)
- - Test communication during switching, after switching, during
- resuming and after resuming.
o Testing